5 Things You Didn’t Know About the Eiffel Tower

The Eiffel Tower in Paris France on a sunny afternoon

Paris, the City of Lights, is synonymous with romance, art, and culture. At the heart of this enchanting city stands an iconic symbol that has captured the imagination of millions: the Eiffel Tower. As the most famous of all Paris attractions, it’s a living testament to Parisian history, technology, and the sheer artistic brilliance of the city.

5 Fun Facts About the Eiffel Tower

While you may think you know everything about this architectural masterpiece, here are five fascinating facts that might surprise you.

Believe it or not, the Eiffel Tower was not initially intended to be a permanent fixture on the Parisian skyline. Built for the 1889 Exposition Universelle (World’s Fair), Gustave Eiffel’s creation was only meant to stand for 20 years. Luckily for us, it became an instant sensation, capturing the world’s attention with its intricate lattice design and towering elegance. The city wisely decided to keep the Eiffel Tower, and today, it stands tall as a timeless testament to architectural brilliance.

When we picture the Eiffel Tower, it’s almost always in its iconic reddish-brown hue, right? Well, here’s a twist: the tower has undergone several color transformations since its inception. Originally, it was painted red-brown with a special paint containing a minimum of lead. Over the years, it has seen shades of yellow-ochre and even a gradient of three colors—darkest at the bottom and gradually getting lighter towards the top. Today, the tower is coated in a color officially named “Eiffel Tower Brown,” carefully chosen to complement Paris’s romantic skyline.

Beyond its breathtaking beauty, the Eiffel Tower has a legacy in communication. In the early 20th century, it served as a pioneering radio antenna, facilitating groundbreaking wireless telegraphy experiments. The height and iron structure made it an ideal transmitter, contributing to advancements in long-distance communication. The Eiffel Tower’s role in the history of telecommunications is an unexpected chapter that adds a layer of technological significance to its romantic allure.

On a cold winter’s day, have you ever noticed that the Eiffel Tower appears shorter than usual? That’s not an optical illusion—it’s science! The iron structure contracts in the cold, making the tower shrink by up to six inches. On the flip side, during hot summer days, the metal expands, causing the tower to grow. So, next time you visit, consider it your own barometer of Parisian weather!

As if the Eiffel Tower wasn’t enchanting enough on its own, it transforms into a sparkling spectacle every evening. Since 1985, the tower has been adorned with thousands of sparkling bulbs that create a mesmerizing light show every hour, on the hour, after sunset. The twinkling lights add a magical touch, turning the Eiffel Tower into a beacon of romance and wonder.

The next time you find yourself in the City of Lights, don’t just admire the Eiffel Tower from a distance. Take a trip to the top, delve into its rich history, and witness the magic of the Eiffel Tower up close!

You’ll discover that this iron giant has more to offer than meets the eye, making your visit an experience that goes beyond the ordinary.

When adding a tour into your Paris itinerary, here are a few helpful tips to keep in mind:

  • Crowds: As one of the busiest attractions in Paris, be sure to book tickets in advance. Restaurant tables as well as timed-entry tickets, including Eiffel Tower summit tickets, are easily available online.
  • Accessibility: It has several elevators to move from one floor to the next, so don’t stress out about climbing. With the exception of the highest summit, it’s entirely handicap accessible.
  • Experiences: There are two restaurants inside, places for souvenir shopping, and breathtaking lookout points to gaze at the Parisian skyline. Think about whether you want to dine, shop, or visit a summit and plan your visit accordingly.

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