Gina Gallucci, founder of Viva il Viaggio, with local students at a school in Bali

Welcome to Viva il Viaggio!

Where Cultures Unite, Hearts Connect, and Adventures Begin

Welcome to Viva il Viaggio, where we believe the world is a kaleidoscope of cultures, colors, and captivating stories just waiting to be explored. We’re not your average travel and lifestyle company; we’re your passport to a world brimming with beauty and excitement.

If you’ve ever felt the thrill of wandering down winding alleyways in a far-off land, savoring exotic flavors, or immersing yourself in vibrant traditions, you’ve tasted the magic of travel. Through our carefully curated travel tips and culture guides, we’re on a mission to inspire you to pack your bags, set out on adventures, and embrace the wonders of our wonderfully diverse planet.

Our name, “Viva il Viaggio,” means “Long Live the Journey” in Italian. Why, do you ask? Well, that’s precisely the spirit we want to infuse into your travels – the excitement of discovery, the joy of connecting with people from all walks of life, and the appreciation for the beauty that exists in every corner of the globe.

Are you ready to embark on a journey that goes beyond the tourist traps and postcard views? Do you crave the stories that can only be whispered by ancient ruins? Have you dreamt of connecting with a global community over steaming cups of chai? Then you’ve found your tribe in us!

Let’s celebrate the wonders of this magical world together, one adventure at a time.

Our Mission

At Viva il Viaggio, our mission is simple yet profound: to celebrate the beauty in diversity through the transformative power of travel. We view the world as an intricate tapestry of cultures, traditions, and people, each weaving a unique thread and sharing a mesmerizing story.

Gina Gallucci with travelers at monk blessing in Cambodia on Viva il Viaggio company trip

Our goal is to inspire and empower you to explore this tapestry, to step out of your comfort zone and embrace the unknown, and to foster a global community of curious and compassionate travelers.

Through our curated content, travel guides, and heartfelt stories, we aim to ignite the spark of wanderlust within your soul and encourage you to embark on journeys that not only broaden your horizons, but deepen your understanding of the world and its people.

Our Vision

Our vision for Viva il Viaggio is to create a world where travel transcends the ordinary and becomes a force for positive change. We envision a global community of travelers who, armed with empathy and a deep appreciation for diversity, venture out to explore the world with open hearts and open minds.

We see a future where travel isn’t just about sightseeing but about forging connections, breaking down barriers, and celebrating the shared humanity that unites us all.

Gina Gallucci with travelers on a Viva il Viaggio company travel trip in Vietnam

Through our platform, we aspire to be a catalyst for transformational travel experiences that enrich lives, inspire change, and create a more interconnected and compassionate world.

Our Values

As a travel and lifestyle company dedicated to serving our global community, our core values of diversity, authenticity, and connection are the guiding light of everything we do here at Viva il Viaggio.


We celebrate the rich tapestry of cultures and backgrounds that make our world so extraordinary. Travel should be a bridge that connects people from all walks of life, regardless of their ethnicity, gender, religion, or beliefs. We are committed to promoting inclusivity and diversity in all our content and interactions.


We value authenticity in both travel experiences and storytelling. We encourage travelers to seek genuine connections and embrace the authenticity of the places they visit. Our content reflects this commitment, offering real and unfiltered perspectives on the destinations we cover.


Travel is about connecting – with people, with places, and with ourselves. We foster connections by sharing stories of personal journeys, cultural encounters, and the transformative power of human connections that transcend borders. We strive to inspire others to connect with global communities.

Gina Gallucci with Viva il Viaggio travel community in Saudi Arabia, Bali, and Vietnam